Total compliance tracking and employee wellness oversight is provided in this one specialized and paperless solution. This solution meets the needs of Skilled Nursing Facilities, including the new CMS requirements for long-term care facilities around COVID-19 testing.
Net Health Employee Health Offers:
Safeguard Regulatory Compliance – Manage and track immunization and surveillance programs. Track illness and exposures with ease.
One Record, Clean and Separate Data - Distinguish, protect, and secure occupational health records separate from general medical data in a single, patient-centric record.
A Way to Keep the Lines of Communication Open - Function-packed portals lighten the load for your Employee Health Department or Human Resources staff.
Watch this short video to learn More about Net Health Employee Health
for Skilled Nursing Facilities.
About Net Health Employee Health
Net Health Employee Health for Skilled Nursing Facilities offers total compliance tracking and employee wellness oversight in one specialized and paperless solution. HR and Employee Health departments at multi-facility organizations rely on its standards and processes to track staff and provide services consistently across locations.
To learn more about Employee Health for SNFs, visit