Nominations Now Open For 20 To Watch 2014
Nominate someone worth watching for our 2014 group of honorees.
It's time again to nominate someone for 20 To Watch—the featu
re that recognizes
committed, compassionate, and caring people in long term and post-acute care.
Recognize Someone You Know
Nominations are open! Help us identify men and women who have both the compassion and the vision to make a lasting impact on the profession. We want individuals who are the profession’s “up-and-comers”—those who are worthy of “watching.”
Nominees may include, but are not limited to, anyone who works in the profession, including those who work for supporting companies, such as suppliers, medical directors, or consultants.
How To Nominate
1. The candidate’s name, title, company, and location.**
2. A brief explanation of how the candidate has helped (or is currently helping) residents and/or staff achieve their potential.
3. A statement about how the candidate has the potential to become a leader within the profession.
4. A description of how the candidate has successfully implemented an innovative program that positively impacted residents and/or staff.
The honorees will be featured in the January, February, and March 2014 issues, and a page on Provider's website will be dedicated to them.
Deadline for nominations: Nov. 14, 2013
Questions? Call Meg at
(202) 898-2845![Call: (202) 898-2845]()
**Please note that all nominees who are staff members at a nursing home or assisted living community must be working for a current AHCA or NCAL member.