​The revised Quality Indicators/Quality Measures (QI/QM) from the MDS 3.0 data set have not been finalized at this time, but it is evident that the statistics will measure the number of residents with indwelling catheters and the number of residents who have an increase in the level of incontinence from assessment to assessment.

The accuracy of the assessment process during the assessment reference period is now more important than ever. Coding of the level of continence in section H of the data set must be accurate and monitored by the team to prepare for regulatory focus once the QI/QM database is finalized and the reports are utilized by the surveyors.

Proactive data tracking in this area is very important now to identify if declines are being recorded. Look at the data now, and identify residents needing toileting programs and specific interventions as part of the facility’s quality assurance program before issues become part of the survey process.