January Caregiving Management Workforce Nursing Facilities & Physicians: Working Together 1/01/2010 As more and more primary care physicians follow patients into facilities, staff must find ways to successfully communicate with them. Technology Quality Providers Agree: HIT Beats Paper 1/01/2010 A government report offers case studies of eight technologically progressive nursing facility and home health agency sites profiling their experiences with HIT. Caregiving Workforce Safe Handling In Long Term Care 1/01/2010 Safe resident handling is most successful when it incorporates training, mentoring, and the use of best practices. Legal Management SNF Ownership Successor Liability 1/01/2010 Selling your facility to a new entity in order to get a fresh start leaving a facility behind does not guarantee a release from its liabilities. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. February Workforce A Bridge To Better Staffing In Long Term Care 2/01/2010 A dozen providers join forces to create the Notre Dame Educational Bridge Center, which evolved out of a labor crisis that began with CNAs and then grew to licensed nurses. Caregiving Clinical Aquatic Therapy For Residents With Cognitive Impairments 2/01/2010 A long term care provider utilizes its pools to create a person-centered program for residents with cognitive impairments. Technology Management Long Term Care Documentation Made Easier 2/01/2010 A technology that began in supply-chain management has made its way to long term care, and providers are utilizing it to improve resident care and ease documentation. Policy Legal Survey and Certification Rooting Out Fraud In Long Term Care 2/01/2010 Under the government’s microscope now more than ever, providers must take steps to ensure compliance under Medicare and Medicaid. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. March Technology Quality EMRs Enhance Retention, Recruitment In Nursing Facilities 3/01/2010 A New York EMR demo exceeds nursing facility's expectations. Caregiving Quality Management SNFs Break The Infection Chain 3/01/2010 Disinfecting medical equipment and environmental surfaces in nursing facilities is vital to stopping the spread of harmful microorganisms. Technology Management Social Media In Long Term Care: Everybody’s Talking About It 3/01/2010 Providers are finding new ways to communicate with families, prospects, and other key players through Facebook, LinkedIn, and other sites. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. April Policy Management Health Care Reform Saga Keeps Everyone Guessing 4/01/2010 President Obama swept into office on the heels of a mantra to bring change to Washington, to fix a wide range of disparate problems facing the country. Providers are concerned about how passage of health care reform will impact care. Caregiving The Healing Power Of Touch For LTC Residents 4/01/2010 Massaging the hands of residents with dementia can be a powerful tool in helping them feel less stressed and more relaxed. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. May Quality Culture Change Design Culture Change Picks Up Speed In LTC 5/01/2010 Awareness and adoption of some components of culture change have gained considerable momentum in the past two decades and made even greater strides in the past several years. Caregiving Loving Touch Makes A Difference 5/01/2010 A program called Namaste Care offers an innovative approach to care that places residents with advanced dementia in a soothing environment with meaningful activities designed specifically for them. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. June Management Quality A New Look At Incontinence & MDS 3.0 6/01/2010 The MDS 3.0 requires a new level of documentation and assessment, especially when it comes to incontinence management. Caregiving Reimbursement Policy Quality Minimum Data Set Gets A Makeover 6/01/2010 The new SNF tool is designed to improve the quality of clinical information and increase its relevance to residents. Vitamin D Gains Favor In LTC 6/01/2010 A growing number of studies have documented the importance of vitamin D for elderly patients, and many experts are supporting regular supplementation for long term care facility residents. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. July Caregiving Quality SNFs Embrace Intergenerational Activities 7/01/2010 Visits from college students have a powerful impact on residents and students alike. Management Quality Improvement Customer Service Can Boost The Bottom Line 7/01/2010 As resident-centered and short-term care becomes more widespread, providers must focus on pleasing the customer. Management Workforce Focus On: Employee Credential Verification 7/01/2010 Phony websites and unreliable data are making it harder for long term care employers to screen job candidates. Management Reimbursement Quality Improvement Design Nursing Facilities Embrace Short-Stay Residents 7/01/2010 Temporary residents, rehab programs reshape facility operations. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. August Legal Management LTC Pharmacy Relationships Scrutinized 8/01/2010 OIG shines a spotlight on provider relationships with long term care pharmacies and scrutinizes contract pricing structures. Management Quality Improvement Culture Change LTC Providers Revamp Dining To Please The Palette 8/01/2010 Providers find that dining choices and flexibility lead to resident satisfaction and better outcomes. Management Reimbursement MDS 3.0: Setting The Stage 8/01/2010 Experts advise providers to consider organizational structure, processes, and outcomes as they transition from 2.0 to 3.0. Caregiving Clinical Quality Dementia Care Refresher 8/01/2010 Successful dementia care has many facets, including knowledge, skills, awareness, involvement, and action. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. September Caregiving Clinical Quality Quality Improvement Take Flight With Patient Safety In Nursing Facilities 9/01/2010 A medical error-reduction concept borrowed from aviation is ripe for application in long term and post-acute care. Management Reimbursement Get Ready For MDS 3.0 9/01/2010 The new MDS and RUG-IV systems will have a dramatic impact on providers and reimbursement. Caregiving Clinical Quality Quality Improvement Specialty Services In Nursing Homes: A Crucial Component Of Quality Care 9/01/2010 Providers are starting to look at offering on-site specialty services. Management Workforce Resumes: Read Between The Lines 9/01/2010 An expert offers five essentials a provider should take into consideration when reviewing a prospective employee’s resume. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. October Design Dynamic Designs In Long Term Care 10/01/2010 Experts offer advice on seniors housing design that improves quality of life for residents and still meets the bottom line. Management Workforce Quality Leaders Needed 10/01/2010 Senior care professionals are accustomed to change, but it is one thing to meet the daily challenges of your calling when the road ahead is well marked and brightly lit. Management Beyond Hospital Referrals: Gaining Ground With Innovative Marketing Tools 10/01/2010 The new world of long term care marketing has expanded the boundaries of where and from whom SNFs and ALFs seek referrals, from the old days of working only with discharge planners and social workers at hospitals to the 2010 version, where marketing targets practically anyone influencing seniors’ post-acute care decisions. Caregiving Clinical Quality Improvement Preemptive Measures Boost Wellness For Long Term Care Residents 10/01/2010 A provider’s wellness program champions lower-body strength as one way to prevent injury and boost independence. Quality Quality Awards Providers Mine For Quality 10/01/2010 When challenged to document their commitment to quality, this year’s winners of the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living National Quality Awards answered the call by digging into their quality practices; tracking their progress; and identifying activities, programs, systems, and processes that make their facilities extraordinary and enable them to thrive and grow. Legal Technology Social Media: Know The Law 10/01/2010 It may now be easier to find information about prospects on the Internet, but being able to use it is another story. Web Tools Speed Claims Processing 10/01/2010 It doesn’t take a huge investment to utilize readily available technologies to realize big gains in productivity and revenue cycle management, as the following four testimonies illustrate. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. November Caregiving Management Quality Improvement Family Engagement In Nursing Care Bolsters Quality 11/01/2010 Family members are a crucial part of a team approach to resident and patient care. This is especially so when a family member is serving in a health care proxy role. Legal Management Workforce GPS Use Raises Legal Concerns 11/01/2010 A legal expert examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of utilizing global positioning systems to monitor residents. Legal Management Lawyers Baiting The Hook With Nursing Hours 11/01/2010 Thorough documentation, arbitration agreements can help to stem the tide. Management Reimbursement Nursing, Rehab Therapy Under MDS 3.0 11/01/2010 An expert explains how and why RUG-IV will have a significant impact on therapy reimbursement. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. December Caregiving Clinical Quality Improvement Choices And Teamwork Improve End-of-Life Care 12/01/2010 Death is unavoidable, but how it happens is becoming a top priority for the long term care community. Caregiving Clinical Quality Improvement Dementia: Spotlight On Abilities-based Care Model 12/01/2010 A new abilities-based care model optimizes the strengths of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Legal Don’t Forget The Exclusion Lists 12/01/2010 Stay on top of the list of excluded individuals and health care entities as OIG and others intensify enforcement activities. Workforce Management Engage Every Customer 12/01/2010 Improving customer service today begins with the idea of "touchpoints." There are literally hundred of touchpoints in a typical workday. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again.