The past few years have seen a record level of health care
facility bankruptcy filings, and if the first half of the year has shown anything,
it is that this trend is far from over. Ever-evolving challenges around
demographics, reimbursement, staffing, and operating costs present enormous
challenges for nursing centers and assisted living communities.
With pressures mounting, both distressed and currently
operational facilities need to consider tactics to improve revenue and
efficiency. Having worked with dozens of health care businesses facing these
common pressures, there are clear avenues for facilities big and small.
Renegotiate Real Estate and Operational Costs
Rent is a significant cost for many nursing facility operators,
and it is often set at a point in time when the organization enjoyed a higher
valuation. This makes it ripe for renegotiation and represents what is perhaps
the most immediate way to relieve financial stress on a nursing center.
While it is true that no landlord will want to lower costs
off the bat, often times most are
amenable, understanding that reduced rent is still income. Even within the
larger operating company/property company financial structures, most of the time
rental or property leasing costs can be amended relatively quickly.
Besides property costs, it is important to seek out other
areas where savings can be realized without compromising quality, such as food
vendor, pharmacy, or service contracts. This effort can positively impact the
bottom line. Perform assessments of the business to identify areas of
operations that could be improved, evaluate the return on overhead expenses, and
collect overdue accounts receivable in a disciplined way.
Code for Revenue Enhancement
Regulatory scrutiny of nursing centers has increased
dramatically both to ensure proper billing as well as satisfactory patient
care. Facilities are exposed to multiple audits of their patient care techniques
and billing procedures, and when issues are uncovered, the penalties and required
remedies can be taxing and expensive to implement.
Staffing levels and direct patient care hours are among the
most highly scrutinized details, so some nursing center operators who cut
corners here do so at their peril—it is an expense that must be borne.
Regulation around the minimum direct hours for patient care,
including certified nurse assistant (CNA) hours, places additional pressure on
the cost model by removing some of the decision-making autonomy management
staff would otherwise have on labor costs. This aspect is particularly
challenging because clinical staff in nursing centers—and in particular CNAs—typically
have high turnover due to low pay for the performance of a very difficult job,
both mentally and physically.
One way to alleviate these pressures is to place emphasis on
recording and billing for all services rendered, and to implement best
practices in doing so. Develop proper coding protocols to maximize realizable
reimbursement rates so that that the facility is paid for all provided services,
even when operating in a reduced rate environment.
When rising labor costs are already a concern, it might seem
counterintuitive to add extra coders to drill down into the details of
recording and billing. However, in the long run, effectively managing the
nitty-gritty details will make audits a much less stressful time for all
Market to the Right Audiences
Compared to residents that previously entered nursing centers
in moderate to good health, the average entrant today is older and sicker. At
the same time, hospital systems are increasingly referring patients within
their own networks, and preferred provider networks are referring to fewer
nursing centers. This all adds up to higher cost of care per resident.
As the center faces these increased costs, it can be tempting to focus
all energy on private payers, who are attractive admissions due to their higher
reimbursement rates. However, today’s high deductibles and heavy patient
responsibility have decreased the market presence of private payers. The
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), on the other hand, may have
lower rates of reimbursement but offer a growing pool of potential patients
backed by a payer that is guaranteed to pay its bills. As long as a reasonable
payer mix among residents can be maintained, accepting more Medicaid patients
can be a sustainable way to fill beds.
With both types of patients in mind, operators need to focus
proactively on referrals from hospital systems, assisted living facilities, and
preferred provider networks. Mandates vary from state to state, but most
assisted living facilities are required to discharge patients when their care
requires more than a one to one patient to professional ratio.
At the same time, it is important to examine how to cost-effectively
reach and educate discharge planners at other health care facilities and
agencies, as well as families and other decision influencers. It can be hard to
consider investments in marketing when facing financial strains, but spending
smartly on radio, newspaper, or digital advertising can pay dividends in driving
new inquiries. Examine the competition’s pain points and market the facility as
an alternative solution.
In addition to referral-focused outreach, it is important to
reach the wider community to raise awareness of services with a positive
message about the facility. Patients today have access to extensive research
and reviews when making choices about long term care, so it is imperative to
improve the facility’s CMS Five-Star Rating. The evaluation process is a bit
long—one year—but investing in care levels to enhance quality of care and
quality of life for all patients and residents will also help ensure a good Five-Star
Rating, which is a must to secure future organic inbound traction.
Some of these tactics can be led by operations, marketing, finance,
or legal teams. Those providers that are more complex and are further along in
the distress cycle may require outside expertise to lay out options and viable paths
forward. In the end, doing what is best for the health and well-being of
residents and patients often proves to be the most beneficial for the facility in
the long run as well.
Marc Pfefferle,
partner at Carl Marks Advisors, has more than 30 years of financial and
operational restructuring experience. He serves in roles as senior advisor or
interim executive to companies in transition or in need of substantial
performance improvement or debt restructuring. He has served as CEO, CRO, or
equivalent leadership positions at 15+ companies, competing in a variety of
industrial, service, consumer, health care, and retail market segments. He can be reached at 
Pielusko, director at Carl Marks Advisors, has over 10 years of financial
and operational restructuring and investment banking experience. He serves as
both company and lender advisor in evaluating and executing financial and
operational restructurings. He can be reached at