Ronda Malmberg, RN, is an administrator for CovenantCare at Home, Home
Health and Hospice, based in Turlock, Calif., which provides palliative
care for individuals in assisted living facilities, independent living,
and in the community.
The challenge for palliative care providers is that anyone
receiving it is compromised indefinitely, so extreme precaution is a
given with professionals in the field entering buildings, says Malmberg.
Securing personal protective equipment (PPE) is a challenge, she says.
“Now we have a new spike in cases, so we have another run happening
on all the PPE,” she says. “If we didn’t think ahead and have a fairly
good supply, we wouldn’t be in the position we are.”
Taking Precautions
That position became handy when a number of long term care
facilities in Illinois became inundated with COVID patients. In
response, Covenant Living Communities and Services, which operates 16
senior living and care communities in nine states, reached out to
Malmberg’s team for help.
“We actually sent nurses to Illinois to help out under the CMS
[Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] emergency provision, and
with just careful use of PPE and all their hand washing, none of them
got it,” she says.
While Malmberg’s staff have been healthy, she says the key has been
three things. “They mask, they hand wash, and they protect their eyes,”
she says. Social distancing also plays a role, and Malmberg and her
team tell patients that if anyone enters their homes, both the patient
and the visitor should mask.
For all patients, the precaution is screening to make sure staff
are healthy. “For palliative care patients they just really need to be
able to be aware and careful of who they allow in their home,” says
Malmberg. “It is hard right now and it is so difficult to not have
family with you, but we stress that patients have to protect themselves,
especially if they are compromised.”
Impacts of a Pandemic
In her multiple roles, Jill Mendlen, RN, touches palliative care,
clinical care management, and end-of-life care in a variety of ways. She
is president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Family Choice of New
York, based in Depew, N.Y., and president and CEO of LightBridge Hospice
& Palliative Care and CEO of LightBridge Medical Associates, a
palliative care specialty medical

group, both based in San Diego. All of
her companies provide services in both facility and home settings.
Family Choice, Mendlen specializes in managed care, and the company
operates a 1,300-plus member Institutional Special Needs Plan (ISNP).
She also operates a community-based Chronic Condition Special Needs Plan
for heart failure and diabetes. Both plans are through a partnership
with a health plan she has been working with for the past 15 years.
Changing Routines
COVID-19 has affected how Mendlen’s companies do business and how
they deliver care to the individuals they serve. Those entering the
office who are not daily staff must fill out a form that details where
they have traveled, have their temperature taken, sanitize their hands,
and wear a mask. In addition, her offices require social distancing. If
anyone has been on a plane recently or been exposed to anyone with
COVID, they are not allowed to enter the building.
The office staff operate on a staggered schedule to avoid multiple
people in the office at once, but this also presents challenges. “One
thing I’m struggling with as a CEO is how do you maintain a culture
remotely,” says Mendlen. “I don’t believe we are ever going to go back
to 100 percent onsite operations. We have always had a large field
staff, but they would come into the office for meetings on a routine
The office meetings have been discontinued in favor of online
meetings, and although Mendlen says this is effective, it’s not the same
as everyone being together physically. “I know we will never return to
the way we used to operate,” she says. “I just don’t know how our future
will look with a combination of onsite and remote work.”
Mendlen’s teams have been making use of Zoom for meetings and
patient and family visits, and she is also changing education and new
orientation procedures to remote, technology-based programs.
Staying in Step with Partners
Another challenge is staying on top of what a company’s nursing and
assisted living partners are doing. As hands-on caregivers, Mendlen’s
staff provide palliative care and clinical services based on what a
facility’s policies related to COVID are.
Some facilities will restrict the number of people on a team who
can enter their building, while others will only allow a nurse
practitioner or registered nurse to enter. “Every facility has made
their own determination, which I totally respect and understand, so we
are adjusting to that,” says Mendlen. Her teams provide hands-on care,
so they partner with facilities and their physicians to provide
additional support to their patients.
Team members have access to full PPE. Wearing it takes some getting
used to. “We have all the PPE we need, so depending on what’s going on,
my staff may need to be in face shields, N95 masks, gowns, and gloves,”
says Mendlen.
A nurse recently went into a nursing home and got all of her
equipment on, and she then realized the patient was upstairs. “She said,
‘Walking up stairs in full isolation equipment was quite the
experience.’ It’s daily things like that that you just learn to live
with and learn from.”
Access Issues
Another impact of the COVID pandemic in the area of palliative care
has been the increased demand for medical directors to assist with
treating COVID patients, while also providing expertise to support
hospice companies as they respond to new state, federal, and Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, which changes
“I have one medical director who has been on—working—for almost the
whole time,” says Malmberg. “I don’t think she’s taken a day off. Not
having access to the regular doctor and then depending on a really
overworked medical director for symptom management has been one of the
things that we’ve had to deal with.”
Luckily, Malmberg’s team has not had any shortage of symptom
management medication that patients require. Early on during the
pandemic, however, wound care supplies were hard to come by, but that
has improved, she says.
“Unfortunately patients that are palliative tend to have a lot of
wounds, so that’s been a charge—to really make sure that you have plenty
of wound care supplies,” says Malmberg.
Finding the Right Fit
With regard to telehealth and conducting televisits, Mendlen says
it’s a process to see what works and what does not. And because there
are differing needs and systems between provider partners and palliative
care providers, a single technology solution doesn’t really exist.
“I don’t think we’re going to end up selecting just one solution
because our environments are diverse, and, depending on where we’re
trying to serve our patients, we will need different approaches. I
believe we will end up implementing at least a couple of different
technology approaches,” she says. Mendlen’s teams can bill for some of
the services they provide, which is currently helpful, but they will
need to track billing regulation changes in the future.
“One of the challenges of doing telehealth and televisits in a
facility setting when you are the external party is when you’re trying
to see your patients,” says Mendlen. “Many of the patients we serve are
frail and very ill, and it’s not easy for them to sit and hold an iPad
or hold a phone for a televisit.”
Facilities are working hard, and staff may be stretched thin,
making it difficult for them to take time to coordinate and assist with a
televisit. Mendlen’s teams continue to explore different solutions to
tailor telehealth and televisits to patients’ needs and ensure they go
smoothly. For example, telehealth and televisits in a community setting
with a young population are very different from those in a complex,
fragile population, says Mendlen.
Eyes on the Future
Malmberg, like many palliative care providers, is looking at all of
what has transpired with COVID as “the new normal,” noting that even if
the virus abates or a new vaccine appears, the impacts of the virus
will be lasting.
One of those impacts is the use and stocking of PPE. “I expect my
PPE usage to be at an active level—at least very close to this level for
the next year or two,” says Malmberg. “So we need to take that into
consideration. And I also need to make sure that I’m very vigilant in
understanding how fast we are using it for this population.”
Without sufficient supplies, Malmberg’s team cannot take on new
patients. This would be a hard blow to the local community since
CovenantCare at Home, Home Health and Hospice is one of the only
palliative care programs in the local area.
Estimating Precisely
To assess PPE, Malmberg looks at how much PPE the team is using on a
weekly basis. “I look at what my population is right now, I look at
what my census is and how much am I using on a weekly basis of masks,
gloves, gowns, etc.,” she says. “So for example let’s say I’m using 50
gowns a week, then I know that for the next four weeks I’m going to need
200 gowns, and I may only have 50 in stock. And we also need to
[account for] increases in demand.”
Access to PPE is spotty at best. From the beginning of the COVID
pandemic, Malmberg’s vendor partner has been able to provide only small
quantities at a time, so she has reached out to multiple suppliers.
“Amazon has been one of my greatest resources in just getting
supplies,” she says. “But sometimes the supplies are kind of funky and
weird—you order it and then when it arrives you realize it’s not exactly
what you wanted. You’ve just got to be several steps ahead as much as
you can.”
Surgical masks and gowns have gotten easier to acquire as of late,
she says, and face shields have hit a new high in demand and are
difficult to get a hold of. “Whenever the CDC releases information on
products that are good to have, those products disappear quickly, and I
believe that’s what’s happened to face shields,” says Malmberg.
Back-Up Staffing
Another impact of the pandemic has to do with staff. Family members
of staff have been coming down with the coronavirus, so staff have been
taking leave to take care of them, or because they have been exposed to
COVID through an infected family member, they have to self-quarantine.
“You have to have a back-up plan for staffing in order to take care
of the patients you have and in order to take on new patients,” says
Malmberg. Initially there were a lot of people who were worried about
contracting the virus and didn’t want anyone to enter their home, “so
several patients asked us to not come or they asked to be discharged,”
she says.
But now hospitals are full of patients, and they also are
discharging patients either home or to a long term care facility. “So we
have to manage that new influx with more staff than before and be sure
we are on top of the staffing,” she says.
This means caring for nurses emotionally and making sure they are
staying healthy. It also means that staff know that Malmberg has their
back as a leader. “It’s whatever I ask the staff to do, I’m ready to
talk it through with them because sometimes they do feel insecure,” she
says. “It’s very important as a leader to be accessible to the staff and
not shut yourself away. Make sure you are there to support your staff
so that they can do what they need to do to keep your community safe.”
The Personal Toll
Mendlen agrees. The key for leaders is to try to remain flexible
and support their teams as much as possible. “Our leaders are tired, and
even though they are dealing with COVID on a daily basis, they still
have all of the usual legal, regulatory, and operational demands. COVID
adds an additional layer of challenge and complexity none of us has seen
before,” she says. “I would like to say that COVID is behind us, but
it’s not.”
The challenge for all providers is trying to figure out how to
support staff emotionally and how to clinically respond to help patients
in the midst of this crisis.
“The nursing home of today is having to deal with the death of
residents who they love many times like family at a frequency they have
never experienced,” says Mendlen. “While the pandemic has created
challenges and opportunities in ways we have never thought of, we are
trying to figure out where this journey is taking us and what we are
going to look like when we emerge from this,” she says.
“The one thing I am sure of is we just have to weather it together.” ■
Read more: Communication and Education Rule