MDS 3.0 Implementation And Impact
The new minimum data set (MDS) 3.0 impacts each and every department within the nursing facility, from the therapy team to the administrator. Following are details about how each is affected and some preparation tips:
Therapy Team: Implement new therapy minutes and concurrent therapy protocols, become familiar with MDS 3.0 scheduling, and understand MDS 3.0 coding under Section O.
Director of Nursing: Understand new MDS 3.0 submission guidelines; and update new admission process
Train staff in new MDS 3.0 documentation and coding, and update clinical systems and assessments.
Activities Coordinator: Know how to conduct the five new mandatory interviews, know the Care Areas Assessments (CAAs) and quality-of-life protocols, and update all policies, procedures, and source assessments to reflect MDS 3.0.
MDS Coordinator: Complete systems review to ensure consistency between all documentation, review and update all source documents, coordinate with team to update admission process, and understand the shortened submission timeframe.
Social Services Coordinator: Update Behavior, Mood, and Cognitive Management Programs and source assessments; know the new CAAs; update all policies and procedures; and know how to conduct the five new mandatory resident interviews.
Dietitian: Understand new diagnosis and ADL sections of the MDS 3.0, know Section K and the changes to Section G, and know how to conduct the five new mandatory resident interviews.
Administrator: Ensure that policies and procedures reflect MDS 3.0 language and processes, confirm software systems (clinical and financial) are MDS 3.0 ready, and develop post-Oct.1 billing audit process to ensure compliance for resource utilization groups and MDS 3.0.
Source: Gulf South Medical Supply