New Staffing Measures Posted to Care Compare
Three staff turnover and two weekend staffing measures have been added to Care Compare (formerly Nursing Home Compare).
NEW Staff Turnover Measures include:
- The percentage of RN staff that left the facility over the last year.
- The percentage of total nursing staff that have left the facility over the last year.
- The number of administrators that have left the facility over the last year.
NEW Weekend Staffing Measures include:
- Weekend Total Nurse (RN, LPN, & Aide) hours per resident day (HPRD).
- Weekend RN HPRD.
All measures are derived from Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) data. Full measure details can be found in the Five-Star Technical User’s Manual. The data below summarizes the national average.
Measures & National Averages:
- RN Turnover (Percent) = 49.8%
- Total Nurse Turnover (Percent) = 51.6%
- Administrator Turnover (Count) = 1.1
- Weekend Total Nurse HPRD = 3.26
- Weekend RN HPRD = 0.48
As outlined in QSO memo 22-08-NH from
earlier this year, these five measures will be factored into Five-Star
in July 2022 and updated quarterly with every new PBJ data release. To
ensure the most correct turnover data is used in Five-Star by July 2022,
members must link employee identifiers. More information is available
in this CMS FAQ on linking employee identifiers.